Electric Car Splendor

Simply, electric car stores the electricity in large batteries when we connect it to the electricity wall outlet of standard 120 volt or standard 240 volt for a number of hours. Then, batteries operate an electric motor that powers the wheels.
What are the Benefits of using the electricity as a vehicle fuel?  
Hybrid and plug-in electric cars, improve fuel economy, increase energy security, decrease fuel costs and reduce emissions because it depend on electricity which produced from nuclear energy , natural gas , and renewable sources …  etc.
Can you convert your conventional car to an electric car and how?
Yes, of course. Thousands of others have successfully completed their own conversions, despite having little or no mechanical background because they follow an excellent guide which walks them through, step by step, each procedure.
It is a fact; you'll be surprised how simple it is once it's broken down into individual tasks.
What are you gaining after converting to electric car?
After you convert your car to electric car you become gain the following:
1- Save about 2700$ spending or more each year on wasted fuel.
2- You no longer emit pollution and heat into the air you breathe.
3- You start enjoy a smooth and quiet ride.
Kindly if you want to start now……. Click here ……….

Electricity Bill

Month after month , you are looking for new technology that help you to reduce the value of electricity bill in your home . Scientists and specialists in electricity issue find that a direct new way to reduce your electricity bill is to use the renewable energy generating equipment's like solar panels and small wind turbine to locally generate electricity in your homes.
We now already use some applications that depend on renewable energy as an alternative to the electricity like , solar water heaters that provide us with 50 – 80%  of the hot water need in typical homes.
When you decide to reduce your electricity bill by applying renewable energy schemes at your home you should pay attention to some details like passive solar design which mean the proper house orientation, windows sizing, roof overhanges which can be designed to keep the sun light out in the summer and shine in winter, day lighting that provide our home with the lighting need during the day and other many factors…. As all of this help in reducing electricity consumption and hence reduce your electricity bill .
Now let us inform you that you can make your house completely green to the extent that you can make your power company pay to you not you pay to it for electricity consumption. How can you achieve this ?
The answer is, you can achieve this by build your own windmill and solar panel at your home for under $200 in what called " Home Made Power Plant" , it is miracle but also it is a fact and you can gain the following "4" benefits :

1- You'll save hundreds of dollars (even thousands) in electricity bill each month without lifting a finger.

2- You can earn a "fat" check every month from the power company for the extra electricity you produce.

3- It's extremely easy and cheap to build your own solar and wind generators (under $200 investment and it will last a lifetime) where you can build it even you are electrical engineer or not.

4- You'll have a significant role in saving the planet because you'll be one of the pioneers who will help eradicate the huge deposits of CO2 killing our planet.

Other people from all over the world have already started to produce their own electricity...it's time for you to embrace the future by Building your " Home Made Power Plant" , you can start now … click here………..

Inductive and Capacitive Reactances

Inductive Reactance:
It is the opposition to the current flow in an AC circuit that contain only inductance element and we refer to it by the symbol (XL). If the circuit contains resistance and reactance, the total opposition to the current flow called impedance and we refer to it by the symbol (Z).
When an AC current passes throw an inductance, counter EMF is generated and trying to oppose changes in the current. This opposition is called inductive reactance (XL).
Inductive reactance is measured in ohm and proportional to the value of inductance and the value of the applied frequency according to the following formula:
XL = 2 π F L where π = 3.14, L =value of inductor in henry.
Z = √ (R2+XL2 )
Phase relationship between applied voltage and current:
In pure resistive load, current and voltage are in phase (angle = 0) and in pure inductive load, the current lag the voltage by an angle equal to 90 degree and it said to be out of phase. In a circuit contain inductive reactance and resistance the current will lag the voltage by an angle in between (0) degree and (90) degree depending on the ratio between the amount of inductive reactance components to resistive components, as the more resistive component the more in phase relationship and vice versa.
Capacitive Reactance:
It is the opposition to the current flow in an AC circuit that contain only capacitive element and we refer to it by the symbol (XC). If the circuit contains resistance and capacitance, the total opposition to the current flow called impedance and we refer to it by the symbol (Z).
Capacitive reactance is measured in ohm and it increases when the value of capacitor capacitance decreased according to the following formula:
XC =1 / (2π F C)          where π = 3.14,   C = value of capacitance in farad.
Z = √ (R2+XC2 )
Phase relationship between applied voltage and current:
In pure capacitive load, current lead voltage by an angle equal to 90 degree and it said to be out of phase. In a circuit contain capacitive reactance and resistance, the current will lead the voltage by an angle in between (0) degree and (90) degree depending on the ratio between the amount of capacitive reactance components to resistive components as the more resistive component the more in phase relationship and vice versa.

Electrical Resistance

It simply defines as the opposition to the current flow in an electric circuit .There are five factors that affect conductor resistance; "conductor length, conductor diameter, temperature, physical condition and conductor material type" let us know about each factor:
Conductor length:
When we apply a voltage on a conductor connected to a load, electrons will be pushed in the conductor to operate the load and the longer the conductor the more resistance of it and the more voltage drop on it. Conductors manufacturers commonly provide the buyer with ohms per km to realize the overall conductor resistance so if you need to replace a conductor, you should take in account the conductor length.
Conductor Diameter:
The more the conductor diameter, the less the conductor resistance and the more the current flow in the conductor. So if you need to install a conductor in an electrical circuit you must choose the proper size that fits circuit current flow.
Conductor Material Type:
The more free electrons in the conductor material, the less the conductor resistance and the more current carrying capability of the conductor like "copper, gold, silver and aluminum" materials which consider as less resistance materials and in the other hand, materials like rubber, glass, ceramic and plastics consider as a high resistance material due to the no presence of free electrons.
In the conductors when the wire temperature increase the electrons move faster but not in the correct direction and hence the resistance increase. But in insulators when the temperature increase the resistance decrease and in semiconductor devices when the temperature increase, the resistance decrease.
Physical Conditions:
This conditions are like, when we have partially cut on the conductor or when we have bad connection between conductors ….etc. All of this increases the resistance so you should take care of conditions like this. 

Electric Car

Now a day's large amount of petroleum fuels are consumed by cars, buses and other transportation means, so more interest has been given to reduce the consumed petroleum fuel or to use another type of renewable energy sources.
The scientists find that electricity is the most effective alternative fuel that can be used instead of the petroleum fuel to use in the transportation sector, in what they called "plug in hybrid car".
Electric car are now available for any one in the open market and it is expected that by the year 2016, most of car manufacturer will produce the plug in hybrid car in many models.
How can electric car work?
Electric cars store electricity in large batteries when we connect them to a wall outlet of standard 120 volt or standard 240 volt for anumber of hours.
These batteries operate an electric motor that power the wheels and when car driver uses the brake the electric motor work as a generator and recharge these batteries.
Advantages and disadvantages of electric car
Electric can has many benefits over the conventional car as it reduce the pollution resulting from the combustion engine and it reduces the dependence on the imported oil fuel which consider for many countries as a big problem that face their economic growth because of oil fuel high prices and its varying cost .
On the other hand electric car faces many limitations as it is more expensive than conventional car due to the additional cost of the batteries used in it. Also about the battery recharging process, it is rarely to found the private or public companies that will do that.
So governments should put the politics and economic incentives to encourage people to use electric cars instead of conventional cars and that already now done by some countries like, united stat and china governments.

Magnets Produce Electricity

Magnetic fields produced by magnets can move the free electrons for some metals like copper. When these free electrons move from their level in the atom, electrical current flow will be produced.
How can magnets produce electricity?
Electricity and magnetism are strongly linked to each other as electricity can generate magnetic fields and magnetic fields can generate electricity, when electricity is changed with respect to time, a magnetic field will produced and when magnetic field is changed with respect to time, electricity will be produced. This is called electromagnetism.
Electricity is generated at power plants which use huge turbine generators, these turbines use various types of fuels to move, they can use oil, natural gas or coal to generate steam flow power. Turbines can use uranium atoms split to heat water converting it also to steam which rotate them or they can get kinetic energy from water fall at dam or from wind.
What happened inside the generator to produce electricity?
The turbine is connected to a shaft in the generator and inside the generator; a magnets and coils of copper wires are present. In some designs the turbine move the magnets inside the coil and in another design the turbine moves the coil inside the magnets, in two cases the result is a varying magnetic field with a time that cut the copper wires and hence the free electrons in the copper conductors will move from one atom to another and electrical current will flow in the load connected to the generator.
In most cases the turbine shaft moves the copper wires inside the two big magnets as the first magnet has north pole to the front on one side and the second magnet on the other side has south pole to the front, the magnetic fields between these magnets pull and push the electrons in the copper conductors making them flow, these moving electrons are the electricity that flow into the loads connected to the generator.

Types of Electricity

We have two types of electricity, the first one called static electricity and the second called dynamic electricity.
Dynamic electricity may be direct current electricity (DC) or alternating current electricity (AC) …. Let us know more about the two types:
Static electricity:
This type of electricity is generated when two non conducting material are rubbed together, such as a glass material and a silk cloth material, in this case the two material become electrically charged as one material will suffer from lacking of electrons (+ charged material) and the other material will have extra electrons (- charged material) and these charges remains fixed on the material surfaces until the two material are in touch or connected to a conductor to form a closed circuit  , in this case the electrons will flow otherwise there will no flow of electrons so we called it as static electricity.
Dynamic electricity:
This is the common type of electricity which we use in our homes or factories , where this type of electricity results from motion of free electrons from one atom to another, if the these free electrons flow in one direction, we call this type as direct current electricity (DC) and if these free electrons change its direction from positive to negative periodically (in the same time interval), we call this type as alternating current electricity (AC).
As an example, DC current is produced by the car battery and AC current is produced by car alternator.
In our life we use DC current to operate certain application while we use AC current to operate other application and we have the ability to convert AC to DC throw abridge called " rectifier "  and to convert DC to AC throw a device called "inverter " all of this depending on our application and need.
As a brief difference between AC and DC current, we can say that AC current is safe to flow for long distance and provide more power and the frequency of it is 50 HZ or 60 HZ according to the country while DC voltage cannot flow for along distance as it begins to loss power and the frequency of it is zero.