Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), including manual handling injuries, are the most common type of occupational ill health.
It is important to remember that:
1. things can be done to prevent MSDs;
2. preventative measures are cost-effective;
3. you cannot prevent all MSDs, so early reporting of symptoms, proper treatment and suitable rehabilitation is essential.
The steps to follow
1. avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as reasonably practicable.
2. assess any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided; and
3. reduce the risk of injury so far as reasonably practicable
How to complete a musculoskeletal disorders assessment
1. Spend some time observing the task to ensure that what you are seeing is representative of
normal working procedures.
2. Consult employees and safety representatives during the assessment process.
3. Where several people do the same task, make sure you have some insight into the demands of the job from all workers’ perspective.
4. It may help to videotape the task so you can view it over again, away from the workplace, if necessary.
5. Select the appropriate type of assessment (ie lifting, carrying or team handling).
6. If a task involves lifting and carrying, consider both.
7. Ensure you read the assessment guide before you make your assessment
8. Follow the appropriate assessment guide and flow chart to determine the level of risk for each risk factor
Load weight/frequency
1. Note the weight of the load and the repetition rate of the lifting operation
2. Observe the task and examine the horizontal distance between the operative's hands and their lower back
Unloading Procedure
Examples of carrying loads
Example of lifting loads
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